The Menagerie Exhibition

ÀNI Art Academies America Apprentices participating in The Menagerie art show at the Monmouth Beach Cultural Center. The show is opening on August 3rd and will be on display until Saturday, August 31st. The Monmouth Cultural Center building has an interesting history. It was put into service in 1895 as a United States Lifesaving Station, and then housed the U.S. Coast Guard and the New Jersey Marine Police. After the Marine Police vacated the building, it barely escaped being demolished by the state in 1999. A few days before the work was to begin, borough officials and the town’s historical society came to its rescue, and volunteers from the borough transformed it into a community center, opening in 2000. ÀNI Art Academies America is proud to be part of such a diverse art community in Monmouth County.

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