Anthony Waichulis on TDTT Podcast

Last week Anthony had the distinct pleasure of sitting down with artist Rian Othus from the Two Dudes Talk Tattoos Podcast. Rian and colleague Brian Matthew started the podcast to discuss tattooing, science, and art. They often feature guest specialists from the realms of sciences, art, and tattooing (and fight over which way is better to get things done.) As you may suspect, It was a great conversation.

Rian and Anthony discuss navigating art education, the many claims and bits of dogma that permeate modern concepts of artmaking, and the types of debates that Anthony participates in on social media. Please give the TDTT podcast a listen and show the hosts some love in the form of a stellar review. We hope you enjoy the conversation!

Listen now:…/63056…/630849d411fe6400138889c3
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