Ruchini R. N. B. Wijesinha

ÁNI Art Academies Sri Lanka

(b.1996) Ruchini was born in Sri Lanka. She began her schooling at Vijaya National College in Hambanthota district. Ever since she was a child, she has been interested in painting. For further studies she joined ÀNI Art Academies, Sri Lanka. Ruchini is learning new skills under the tutelage of Timothy W. Jahn to gain a better understanding of drawing techniques. Using charcoal as a medium, she wants to highlight the beauty of the world in through human gestures in her artworks.

In 2022, she won an honorable mention in the Annual ÀNI Art Academies drawing Competition for the drawing “My Lovely Grandmother,” and this picture has also been selected for the Sunday Times newspaper article. She considers joining ÀNI Art Academies as a great privilege to enhance her ability as Artist.